Safe4 Disinfectant Effective Against Coronavirus at 1:50 Dilution Rate
Jul 25, 2020Safe4 Disinfectant has a verified pass for both Feline and Human Coronavirus.
BluTest, internationally recognised experts in virus testing has said that the minimum requirement for......
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Safe4 Effective Against Coronavirus at 1:100 Dilution Rate
Feb 07, 2020Safe4 has a verified pass for both Feline and Human Coronavirus. BluTest, internationally recognised experts in virus testing has said that the minimum requirement for a claim is a pass to EN 14476:2013 + A2 2019 or EN 14476: 2013 + A1 2015 (hand pro......
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Why Safe4
Feb 06, 20201.Safe4 Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate is DEFRA approved against General Orders, Tuberculosis Orders and Diseases of Poultry Order and the Avian Influenza and Influenza of Avian Origin in Mammals Order. Why is this important? Independently tested b......
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UK Dilution Guide
Feb 06, 2020Its been brought to our attention that we had incorrectly loaded the dilution giude for UK onto our webpage. This UK dilution guide was developed to deal with three notifiable orders in UK. Safe4 disinfectant cleaner concentrate is the only product i......
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